Work to future-proof Dr Gray’s Hospital begins

Published: 23/01/2023 09:18

Following extensive engagement with staff and the wider community on a strategic plan for Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin, NHS Grampian’s Property and Asset Development team is to embark on a full assessment of the space, quality and function of the site.This work will help to inform what improvements and changes are needed to the existing Dr Gray’s Hospital site to make sure it’s fit for purpose now and even better in the future.The assessment, which will be completed by asset management specialists, will include four weeks of 1:1 interviews with staff from across the hospital, detailed analysis of the space and a full report on the findings.Hospital General Manager, Alasdair Pattinson commented: “We are listening and acting on the feedback we have received from colleagues and the wider community as part of the development of our strategic plan for the hospital.“The property and asset development team will consider whether the different areas across the hospital site are being under or over used, whether spaces are being used to their full potential, and they will look at the size of spaces as well as the accessibility of spaces. They will also assess the general quality of the spaces across all site locations, and consider whether the spaces meet the requirements for patients and staff.“It will be particularly helpful to have this expert, in-depth support to re-evaluate whether functions and departments are in the right place, whether the set up works for neighbouring teams and look again at what would help improve patient flow in and out of the hospital. We are really pleased to see this work getting underway.”When completed, this piece of work will help to inform what needs to be done to the Dr Gray's site to improve its overall functionality, space and quality. The assessment will help to future-proof the site, by informing a business case for investment as part of the overall Dr Gray's Development Framework.Gerry Donald, Head of Property and Asset Development for the healthboard added: “We’re looking forward to working with colleagues across the hospital to take an impartial look at what work needs to be done to best support the teams. We’ll review the space departments have, how well areas function and assess the quality of the accommodation from a patient and staff perspective.”

Work to future-proof Dr Gray’s Hospital begins

(left to right) Graeme Legge, Alasdair Pattinson and Gerry Donald