ADHD medicine supply issues – advice for patients/parents and carers

Published: 17/10/2023 14:25

ADHD medicine supply issues – advice for patients/parents and carers

There are national issues with supplies of some ADHD medicines which we expect to remain until January 2024. The affected medicines are listed below. If you, or your child, is prescribed one or more of these medicines, you should only order a repeat prescription when you have 14 days medication remaining. If your medicine is not available, your GP and community pharmacy will work together to help you, getting in touch with your specialist provider if needed. GP practices and community pharmacies have been given detailed information on the current supply issues, with advice on the steps they should take.

Please do not order repeat prescriptions if you have more than 14 days remaining, as this may worsen the supply issues.

The supply issues have come about because of an increase in global demand for these medicines and because of manufacturing issues. If you have any further questions, you should speak to your GP or other members of the clinical team providing your care.

At present the affected medicines are as follows:


Methylphenidate Lisdexamfetamine Guanfacine

Equasym XL® 10, 20 and

30 mg capsules


Xaggitin XL® 18 and 36

mg prolonged-release



Concerta XL® 54 mg

prolonged-release tablets


Xenidate XL® 27 mg

prolonged-release tablets

Elvanse® 20mg, 30mg, 40mg, 50mg, 60mg and 70 mg capsules

Elvanse® Adult 30mg, 50mg, and 70 mg capsules

Intuniv® 1mg, 2mg, 3mg and 4 mg prolonged-release tablets