Recruitment Success: Over 250 Healthcare Professionals Keen On Dr Gray's Hospital, Moray & The North Of Scotland

Published: 19/06/2024 10:52

NHS Grampian have revealed more than 250 healthcare professionals have expressed a keen interest in relocating to Moray following a series of major national events that showcased the unique lifestyle on offer in the area.

The news comes as part of Moray’s innovative new #wishyouworkedhere healthcare recruitment campaign which has now seen a local team clock up more than 1,000 miles travelling to events across the country in a bid to attract critical staff to Dr Gray’s Hospital.

Jane Gill, Maternity Collaborative Programme Director, said the recruitment drive has included events for nurses in Newport, midwives in Liverpool, and consultant anaesthetists in Glasgow on top of nationwide advertising on Sky TV, BBC, Google and social media.

The local team have been utilising the power of virtual reality to put Moray centre stage at the national events and Jane said, so far, the results have exceeded all expectations.

“We’ve actually been quite shocked – the level of positivity and attention we’ve received from people has been incredible really,” Jane said.

“None of these events were for recruitment as such, they are all national professional conferences but we decided we couldn’t miss an opportunity to show what we can offer here to some of the best and brightest in their field.
“We thought we might get a dozen or so people interested but to have 250 people now seriously looking at the opportunities we have here is beyond our wildest dreams. There were some people we spoke to keen to fill out applications on the spot. It really shows the power of proactively going out to find potential recruits where they are.

“We know however that the hard work really begins now – we’ve got peoples interest and we need to make sure that we convert that into solid applications. The team have already started contacting each of the people we spoke to individually to follow up with them.”

A key focus of the recruitment campaign is the commitment to transitioning Dr Gray's Hospital to a consultant-led maternity service within the next two years. This change is expected to increase the hospital’s capacity to handle complex cases, and provide comprehensive support to midwives and other maternity staff and new mothers and babies without the need to travel elsewhere.

The campaign's success is attributed to the innovative approach of showcasing Moray’s unique lifestyle and scenic beauty. The VR technology, which offers a virtual tour of iconic local spots, has been a key element in capturing the interest of potential recruits. Attendees were also treated to local delicacies, enhancing their experience of Moray's charm.

The VR showcase is available for anyone with a VR headset or compatible mobile phone, on the dedicated campaign website at 

"We are committed to continuing our recruitment efforts and are already planning to attend more events later this year to further showcase the benefits of living and working in Moray," Jane confirmed.

For more information on the recruitment campaign which is a joint project between NHS Highland & NHS Grampian, visit