Honouring Wullie’s last wish as we celebrate one year of DAISY Awards

Published: 13/05/2024 10:16
NHS Grampian joined healthcare facilities around the world last year by partnering with the DAISY Foundation to help recognise the exceptional care and compassion given by nurses and midwives. 1,000+ moving nominations later and the critical care team is marking the one-year anniversary by remembering Wullie – a patient whose last wish was to make sure the nurses who cared for him were nominated for an award.
William Walker, who liked to be known as Wullie, was in the care of Ward 201 for a week before he passed away in October last year. His friend Louise Christie agreed to pass on the names of all the nurses to be nominated along with Wullie’s words:
"The time, dedication and care all of these nurses gave me, in my last few days, was admirable. They are all angels in my eyes.
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me comfortable."
Wullie in his armchair and his prized garden
Wullie in his armchair and his prized garden
Senior charge nurse Louise Wilson submitted the nomination on Wullie’s behalf with Louise’s help on the night Willie died. She said she felt a sense of pride as she put forward the names of staff nurses: Laura Caul, Amber O’Brien, Mia Feeney, Suzie Milne, Molly Hay, Holly Gray, Paula Close and senior staff nurse Pamela Montgomery.
Louise explained: “We were very touched by Wullie’s request and very grateful he wanted to recognise our team members who work so hard. Seeing people at their most vulnerable is part of our everyday and treating every unique individual with kindness, dignity and respect is everything to us.
“It’s nice to be reminded that we can make a difference to someone even in their darkest of days. We have a fantastic team and Wullie was an extraordinary man who we’re pleased to remember today.”
Wullie's friend Louise added: “Wullie cherished all the nurses. He liked a good news with the nurses and every single one of you deserve a medal. Wullie was special to me. He loved makin’ clootie dumplings and his garden was just a show in the summer.”
NHS Grampian nurse director June Barnard commented: “Introducing the DAISY Awards was about giving our teams opportunities to recognise the positive impact they make, enhance job satisfaction and promote person-centred care. We have achieved so much in just one year and that’s testament to all of those members of the public who have taken the time to put forward nominations. We really appreciate it.
“I don’t think we can underestimate how much it means to our staff when they receive positive feedback and I am very proud to be sharing these certificates in Wullie’s memory.”

DAISY stands for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and the not-for-profit organisation was formed in 1999 in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. The award is now recognised for its success in promoting patient and family-centred care, improving job satisfaction and retention, and celebrating the crucial work nurses and midwives do.
Put forward a nomination for a DAISY Award: www.nhsgrampian.org/DAISY. Find out more about the global DAISY Foundation programme or email gram.nhsgdaisyaward@nhs.scot
left to right: Denise Johnson, June Barnard, Louise Wilson, Mia Feeney, Paula Close, Molly Hay, Holly Gray, Amber O’Brian, and Wullie’s friends Louise Christie, and Natalie and Gordon Dodd, as well as Cameron Matthew in the roof garden at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
left to right: Denise Johnson, June Barnard, Louise Wilson, Mia Feeney, Paula Close, Molly Hay, Holly Gray, Amber O’Brian, and Wullie’s friends Louise Christie, and Natalie and Gordon Dodd, as well as Cameron Matthew in the roof garden at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
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