Paediatric and medical assessment care enhanced at Elgin hospital

Published: 19/09/2024 10:38

The successful ‘Wish You Worked Here’ recruitment campaign which is already supporting enhanced antenatal care at Dr Gray’s Hospital is having a positive knock-on impact on other services.

The expansion of maternity services includes a requirement for additional paediatric expertise and more dedicated junior doctors, meaning that there is no longer a need for the children’s ward to be located alongside the emergency department at Dr Gray’s.

Consultant Paediatrician Dr Morag Turnbull who looks after the children’s ward explained: “With many of the vacancies needed to support the maternity programme filled, we’re now in a position to move back into a larger space with a larger team to support the department. We’ve been open overnight for the last few years and we now have a sustainable team which has grown from three to six consultants.”

Aside from the clinical benefits, the new space means the team will once again be able to offer a playroom with play facilities, a parents’ room and more single rooms to care for patients who are infectious or would benefit from an individual space. The separation of different ages and stages of children so they can be cared for in an age-appropriate environment will also be far easier.

“We are hoping the new arrangements will reduce the need for transferring children, though there will always be a need to travel for some specialist services. We’re just so pleased to be offering a 24/7 service for families across Moray,” added Morag.

The move means the hospital’s Acute Medical Assessment Unit will also move back to its former space alongside the emergency department.

Unit Operational Manager Claire Power said: “This is a step forward in terms of improving patient flow through our emergency department. It will enable us to have a more straightforward assessment pathway and we hope to prevent long waits in corridors. There is still a lot of work to do but this is one way of alleviating pressure and making sure patients receive the best possible care at Dr Gray’s Hospital.”

Paula Cormack, Chief Executive of The Archie Foundation, added: “The Archie Foundation is committed to making the difference for local babies, children and their families using NHS services. We work closely with our NHS colleagues to bridge the gaps that families face in accessing paediatric healthcare and to make their experiences and outcomes the best they can be. This includes providing financial support for families who might otherwise struggle to bring their children to hospital appointments. It’s great to see this positive progress at Dr Gray’s and through our continued partnership we will endeavour to make the experience for children and families visiting Dr Gray’s the best it can be.”

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Wish You Worked Here