Aberdeen Fertility Centre Patient Information Page Banner

Change in the Law Relating to Storage Period for Gametes and Embryos (02/05/24)

From 1 July 2022, all patients can store their eggs, sperm and embryos for their own treatment for up to 55 years, providing they reconsent every 10 years. Donors can store their eggs or sperm for use up to 55 years and do not need to renew their consent; and providing patients consent to their sperm, eggs or embryos being used in the event of their death, they can remain in storage for up to 10 years from the date they pass away.

Video regarding the change in law and consent can be viewed here. Helpful information for NHS and self funded patients regarding cryostorage of gametes/embryos can be found here

Routine Semen Analysis

A semen analysis is required as part of initial investigations whether you are referred by your GP or through the Fertility Centre. The semen analysis will provide assessments of sperm count along with the appearance of the sperm known as morphology. The details for booking an appointment are provided on the form. You must book an appointment and adhere to the instructions in order for your semen sample to be analysed. This video provides important information and instructions for when producing the semen sample.

BBC News article relating to frozen eggs

In light of the recent press coverage relating to several English IVF clinics, please be reassured that the specific freezing solutions used in these clinics has never been used here in Aberdeen Fertility Centre. All patients who have undergone Embryo and Egg freezing here in Aberdeen will not be impacted even if these samples have been exported to another clinic within the UK. If you have any further queries or concerns, please contact us directly.

HFEA notice - Donors encouraged to update their contact details

HFEA press release advise all donors should update their contact details as a high number of donor offspring requests are expected. Full press release available to view here.

Pregnancy vaccine resources

Helpful information from Public Health Scotland for patients on the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy can be viewed here

Patient Information Leaflet: Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccintation

Community Hubs - Blood Tests

In order to book your appointment please ring the Central Booking Team on: Tel: 01224 555177. Further information can be found here.

If you have a query regarding a clinic appointment please contact our reception team on 01224 553101. If your query relates to IVF or donor treatment please contact our administration team at gram.aberdeenfertility@nhs.scot.

Published: 12/03/2025 11:54