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About Us

What is CAMHS?

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) Grampian is an outpatient based mental health service based in Aberdeen and Elgin.  We support individuals between 0 – 18 years old who experience persistent, complex or severe difficulties that have a significant impact on their day to day lives, be these emotional, behavioural or mental health related issues.

Our aim is to understand the problems you are experiencing and how they are affecting you. We can then recommend and offer evidence-based therapy or treatments that can make a positive impact. We are committed to listening to you in an open safe environment and delivering you a high-quality, person-centred care.

What we do: Choice and Partnership

  • Once accepted after referral you will be offered an initial Choice appointment with a clinician. The appointments are online or in person; this helps us get to know you better and understand the issues you are currently having. We will then explore options for support and treatment available both in and external to CAMHS. 
  • At the end of the appointment a decision will be made together about how you want to move forward. If follow up is required, you will be offered a Partnership appointment to look at therapeutic treatments or specialist assessments with a clinician. These can be done online or face to face at the Links Unit.  In some instances, young people are referred to support groups and resources or services outwith CAMHS. If this happens, your case will be closed. After the appointment you will receive a letter with the information gathered from the Choice appointments.
  • If your case has been closed but you are still struggling, then please speak to your GP about further supports and a possible re-referral to CAMHS. However, if your concerns are urgent, please call NHS 24 on 111 to speak to a Mental Health Adviser, ChildlineScotland on 0800 11 11 or The Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90.
  • We have students and trainees working in or visiting our team. You may occasionally be asked to have someone observe your appointment as part of their learning. You will always be asked about this first and you can refuse if this is something you are not comfortable with.

What to expect when you come in for an appointment:

  • On arrival, please check in with a member of the reception team and take a seat in waiting area until called through by a clinician. There are patient toilets.
  • Your clinician will take you to a clinic room where you will have your appointment. When your appointment ends, the clinician will take you back to reception.


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Published: 29/06/2023 16:02