Emotionally Based School Avoidance

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Emotionally based school avoidance guidance and toolkit for professionals and families:

 BFfC-EBSA-Guidance-Updated-Feb-2024.pdf (brighterfuturesforchildren.org)


Parent guide to support with school anxiety and refusal:

School Anxiety and Refusal | Parent Guide to Support | YoungMinds


Emotionally Based School Avoidance: A resource for parents and carers:

EBSA-Parent-resource.pdf (ssam.bolton.sch.uk)


Older Children and Young People: Emotionally Based School Avoidance guidance



Resource looking at the topic of Emotionally-based school avoidance and ideas to help education staff address the issue



Addressing Emotionally Based School Avoidance for school leaders, senior mental health leads and classroom teachers


Published: 24/09/2024 13:29