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Support for Children and Young People in School

Youth Work in School

Aberdeen City Council’s Youth Work team works with young people aged 10-25. Youth Work activities can be delivered in primary and secondary schools, community venues and in outdoor spaces. Offering one to one and group support, focusing on mental health, wellbeing and participation.

LIAM Support

Anxiety Management support for children 8+ run in schools. Typically a school may offer a PSA, teacher, school nurse or wellbeing practitioner who is trained in LIAM.

School Counselling Services

ACIS Youth provides an equitable offer of school counselling. The service provides face to face counselling in all 11 academy schools within Aberdeen City and in a further 3 primary localities (Dee, Don and West) where counselling services can be access by pupils aged 10+. Mental Health Aberdeen | MHA

School Nurses

School nursing is a universally accessible service that is non-stigmatising, offering mental health, health, and wellbeing support.

Active School Co-ordinators

Responsible for creating opportunities and encouraging all children and young people to participate in physical activity and sport. Active Schools | Aberdeen City Council

MCR Pathways

Volunteer mentors spend one hour a week listening to and encouraging their young person. Young people are matched with a mentor based on personalities, interests and career aspirations. Aberdeen - MCR Pathways

Young carers

Barnardo’s Aberdeen Young Carers Service aims to support young carers in their caring role so they are able to live a happy and fulfilled life alongside caring. Aberdeen Young Carers | Barnardo's (

Aberdeen Football Trust

Working with people of all ages to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Aberdeen Community Trust | What We Do (

Creative Learning (accessed via PEF Funding)

Creative Learning empower people in Aberdeen to realise their potential through relevant creative and collaborative experiences which develop their skill set to enrich their lives. Creative Learning | Aberdeen City Council


Station House Media Unit (SHMU) offers an innovative programme of creative youth media activities aimed primarily at those living in the regeneration areas of Aberdeen.

Published: 28/03/2024 12:30