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Conduct and Behavioural Problems

RC Psych

Online resource providing information on conduct and behavioural problems in children.

Young Minds

An online guide for parents and carers on behaviours that challenge and how to support their young person with this.

Solihull Parenting

A resource for parents and carers which runs from the antenatal stage through to young people aged 19 years. Offers a series of modules containing interactive resources with a focus on developing nurturing and supportive relationships between parents/carers and their children.

Access code: TARTAN

Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Online resource provide information and guidance on behaviours that challenge for families, carers and professionals.

Action for Children – Parent Talk

Information on setting boundaries with children, using rules and rewards, and coping with challenging behaviour. They also offer a 1:1 chat online at various times Mon-Fri.

Published: 28/03/2024 15:20