Committee Work

Clinical Ethics Committee advice

The aim of the clinical ethics committee is to support clinicians in their everyday ethical decision making processes. The Grampian Clinical Ethics Committee is a multi-disciplinary committee which meets once a month to provide a forum for confidential discussion and analysis of relevant issues arising from clinical practice. Please note that the role of the committee is advisory and educational rather than prescriptive. The dates of the CEC meetings are available online.

Clinical Ethics Consultation

Ethical dilemmas may arise in the course of clinical work and ethical support can be useful in guiding decision making. The Clinical Ethics Committee is able to offer ethical support if required. The ethical issue raised will be discussed at the next Clinical Ethics Committee meeting.

The ethics committee can also, if required, provide rapid guidance to more acute clinical situations through discussion with a small case consultation group of the committee. The referral form is available on line and it can be emailed to  Once this form has been received, we will contact you to discuss the referral. If the issue needs to be addressed urgently, please contact:

Ruth Stephenson
Clinical Ethics Lead on bleep 2387

or alternatively

Rosie Gauld 
Clerk to NHS Grampian Clinical Ethics Committee
NHS Grampian
Summerfield House
Eday Road
AB15 6RE  tel. 01224 558583  

Teaching Sessions

The ethics committee is able to offer internal teaching sessions for staff in NHS Grampian. Dates and venues will be posted on the web. For those who would like to book a course or discuss specific interest teaching please email 

Courses available:

  • Introduction to Clinical Ethics and the Clinical Ethics Service
  • Introduction to the basic ethical theories ? Utilitarianism, Deontology, the principal approach.
  • Practical application of ethical theories to cases

We can also offer sessions about specific issues as requested. For example, autonomy, consent confidentiality, best interests.

Ethical Advice on Policy development

The Clinical Ethics Committee has been involved in the development of local Board policies such as the Exceptional Treatment, Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders Policy,  Pandemic Flu Framework; Informed Consent Policy for Clinical Procedures; Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour from Patients Framework.

Published: 06/10/2020 17:05