Dr Gray's Hospital

Services offered


Topical PUVA Treatment: Patient questions and answers sheet

UVB Treatment (Ultraviolet B): Patient questions and answers sheet

Oral PUVA Treatment: Patient questions and answers sheet

Specialist Nurse led clinics which include:


Isotretinoin - BAD Patient Hub (skinhealthinfo.org.uk)


Psoriasis - an overview - BAD Patient Hub (skinhealthinfo.org.uk)


Atopic eczema - BAD Patient Hub (skinhealthinfo.org.uk)

Patch Test Clinic

Patch testing - BAD Patient Hub (skinhealthinfo.org.uk)

Monthly Consultant Clinic

Patients are seen in the clinic following GP referral with a range of inflammatory conditions affecting, skin, hair and nails including eczema, psoriasis and urticaria.

Where to find us

How to contact us

Booking line Tel: 01343 567882

Booking E-mail: gram.appointmentsdrgrays@nhs.scot 

Published: 13/09/2024 14:14