Physical & Psychological Side-Effects Of The Starvation Syndrome

Anxiety, irritability,
lability, depression,
poor concentration & sleep,
preoccupation with food,
dreams about food,
eating slowly,
loss of libido, bulimia,
social withdrawal,
hungrier after eating,
food fads.

Dry skin & hair,
pallor, oedema,
loss of skin pigment,

Temperature narrowing of interests,
regulation poor.

Stomach and bowels shrink,
immune changes,
constipation, diarrhoea,
feelings of fullness.

Low blood pressure,
heart attack.

Ovaries & uterus shrink,
impaired fertility.
If pregnant, increased
risk of miscarriage or
small baby.

Kidney function
Kidney failure.

Cold hands & feet.

Growth of bones stunted.
Slower repair of bones.
Fractures more easily.

Published: 09/10/2020 10:12