Clinics and Services

Services Available from the Practice

All GP Practices are contracted to provide essential services, that is, basic treatment of ill people, including Chronic Disease Management - this includes a comprehensive review of patients with e.g. Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Heart Disease and Hypertension.

We also provide the following Additional Services:

  • Contraceptive Services - Contraceptive advice and services for men and women (exceptcoils) and are provided during normal surgery hours. Alternatively there are family planning clinics in Aberdeen - telephone 01224 555114.

  • Emergency Contraception - The morning after pill can be used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. It is available without prescription at the Pharmacy. If you are not surewhether you are at risk please talk it over with the doctor or Nurse Practitioner, but try notto leave it to the last moment.

  • Well Woman checks - These are provided during surgery hours by the Nurse Practitioner and can include blood pressure check and cervical smear for woman aged 20 - 60. If youhave any queries please speak to a member of staff.

  • Medical Certificates - If you are ill and off work a self-signing certificate can be used for the first seven days (SC2) which is supplied by your employer. After seven days you should seeyour doctor for a medical certificate. If you routinely receive a medical certificate this can be requested via the receptionist but there is no guarantee it will be issued without being seenby a GP.

Opening Hours

The Marywell Practice is open from 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday. Another Practice provides cover for urgent issues between 8am - 9am and 5pm - 6pm Monday to Friday. Please phone Marywell on 01224 651132 for advice on who to contact for urgent advice during these times.

Consulting times may vary due to other commitments and also to address patient needs. A GP or nurse may not always be present but cover is provided by the alternative practice.

Out of Hours

Between 6pm and 8am Monday to Friday, and 6pm to 8am Friday to Monday, the Practice is closed. Out of hours is the responsibility of NHS Grampian and in order to obtain medical advice at these times, please call NHS 24 on 111.

A trained Nurse in the emergency call centre will be available to deal with your call. They will either:

  • Give you advice over the phone
  • Arrange for you to speak to a doctor
  • Invite you to attend the centre to be seen by the doctor
  • Arrange a home visit if you are too ill to visit the centre

Please remember if you or another person is in a life threatening situation, call the Emergency Services on 999. The Practice is also closed on specific Wednesday afternoons for Protected Learning Time: dates are available from the Practice.

Dental Service - Available to all homeless clients across Aberdeen with dental problems. To contact the Dental Service call 0345 456 5990. G Dens is an emergency out of hour’s service. G-Dens can be contacted via NHS 24 on 111.

  • Substance Misuse Service - This service is available to patients that have been referred by their GP. The Substance Misuse Service offers education, care and treatment for individuals experiencing problems and difficulties related to illicit drug and or alcohol use.

  • Liver Specialist - Advice and treatment for liver disease / problems provided by a specialistliver nurse.

Enhanced Services

We also hold contracts with NHS Grampian for a range of Enhanced Services:

  • Drugs requiring Monitoring
  • Annual comprehensive review for patients with diabetes / asthma / COPD
  • Nexplanon
  • Keep Well


Published: 17/02/2025 15:40