Doctors and Staff

Marywell Practice Team consists of:

Medical Staff

Special Interest: Substance Misuse
GMC Number: 7077720

Nursing Team

Elizabeth Wilson, RGN BA - Nurse Practitioner

The nurse practitioner provides a wide range of services including:

  • Minor injury/ minor illness advice and treatment
  • Well person checks
  • Hepatitis B & C and HIV testing
  • Hepatitis B Vaccinations
  • Immunisations
  • Cervical smear screening
  • Emergency contraception (morning-after pill)/ general advice on contraception / free condoms / pregnancy testing
  • Management of chronic diseases
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Wound dressings and advice
  • Health information leaflets and advice

Syvlia Burn, Community Nurse Specialist

The Community Nurse Specialist essentially provides outreach advice, support and health education for homeless people at a variety of locations. She is also responsible developing the Skilled Community Nurse Specialist Service for homeless people that are responsive to their health needs in conjunction with the Marywell Health Centre nursing team. Her post includes:

  • Responsibility for the provision of skilled physical health and well-being need in a communitysetting when required.
  • Help assessing mental health and well-being issues.

Community Nursing Outreach Team

The Community Nursing Outreach Team provide an outreach service across some venues in the Community and within the Practice. The team consists of:
  • Wendy Walker, Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Helen Keith, Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Esther Sanderson, Community Nurse Specialist

Preference of Practitioner

Patients are registered with the Practice and not an individual GP. For administrative reasons your medical card will be issued in the name of one of the doctors: however, you can at any time express a preference for a particular doctor, for either your medical needs or on a case by case basis. However, not all the doctors in the Practice provide all services and specific doctors may not be immediately available.

How to see the Doctor or Nurse Practitioner

All consultations for the Doctor are by appointment only, but we will see you as soon as possible if you have an urgent problem. To make an appointment you can either contact the receptionist on 01224 651132 or you can call in at the Practice.

Published: 17/02/2025 15:42