Coming to Clinic
Wheelchair clinic appointments are held at the Wheelchair Service in Woodend Hospital, Aberdeen. The Service also runs peripheral clinics in Orkney and Shetland according to demand.
Prior to your Appointment
Travelling to Clinic
Public transport
The nearest train station is Aberdeen which is located around 10 minutes journey from the hospital by taxi. Ask the taxi driver to drop you at the clock tower at Woodend Hospital.
When you arrive at Woodend Hospital enter the South Block under the clock tower. We are located next to the Royal Voluntary Service cafe and Ward 15. Follow signs for the Wheelchair Service.
During the Appointment
Depending on the reason for the clinic appointment a number of things can take place. Generally there will be a discussion about how the patient (and/or others) are managing with the wheelchair, and if there are any issues the clinician will try to develop an in-depth understanding in order to provide the best solution. The patient's posture and joint range of movement may be assessed either in a sitting or lying position. The patient's pressure care needs may be assessed and it may be necessary for the clinician to examine their skin for any pressure sores (in every case the patient's dignity will be maintained). The clinician may also assess the patient or carer's ability to propel or control the wheelchair either indoors or outdoors and the method used to transfer the wheelchair in/out of a vehicle. If repair work is required the wheelchair may be put through to the workshop.
Decisions are based upon the patient's clinical need/s, available resources and in some cases national eligibility criteria. The clinician/s will always try to ensure that the patient is satisfied with the decisions made but it must be understood that it will not always be possible to provide everything that the patient (or family/carers etc) would like.
Clinic Facilities
Home Visits
If patients are medically unfit to travel to clinic (including by ambulance) they can be assessed at home by a clinician. However, due to the volume of referrals it may be some time before the visit can take place and will generally be longer than the normal waiting time for a clinic appointment. To request a home visit please telephone the department on (01224) 556840. You may be required to provide proof that the patient requires a home visit by way of letter from a medical professional.