Useful Links

Grampian Pain Support group (GPS)
“Grampian Pain Support welcomes people of any age whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with chronic pain for many years. Rather than focusing on specific conditions our aim is to help members to “live well” with their chronic pain”.
(link no longer active)
Affa Sair
Online self- help group for people living with Chronic pain.
NHS Grampian healthpoints work proactively to tackle health issues relating to self care offering free information and advice on a number of health concerns. The staff at Healthpoint have a specific tool for enabling you to self manage your pain condition- The Chronic Pain Conversation.
You can contact the team by calling the free healthline on 08085 202030 or by sending an e-mail to
Healthpoint Locations:
- Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village, 50 Frederick Street, Aberdeen open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
- Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Concourse Open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
- Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin Concourse, Dr Gray’s Hospital Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
healthpoint information is also available at: Torry Neighbourhood Centre; Denburn Health Centre; Aberdeen Banff & Buchan College Please note that our trained advisors do not work at these locations. These are information areas only.
Local Exercise Schemes and

Sport Aberdeen’s Active Lifestyles programme provides inclusive opportunities for everyone to get active and participate in physical activity regardless of whether you are starting out, recovering from injury, living with a long-term health condition or an older adult.
From seated yoga and tai chi, to social walking groups, dance and activities in the pool there’s something for everyone at venues across the city. The Active Lifestyles programme offers the opportunity to stay socially connected and active whilst supporting and improving your wellbeing.
To find out more contact the team by calling 01224 507701 or email via
Visit the website:
Alternatively pop in to one of the weekly drop in sessions to meet the team, discuss your goals and find out about the opportunities available to you: Mondays, 12:30 – 14:30 at Westburn Outdoor Sports Centre, Westburn Park, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB25 2DF
Useful websites
Pain Association: - Alternatives to face-to-face groups are offered online. Additional resources and free downloads are also available.
Versus Arthritis: – telephone helpline Monday to Friday between 9am-8pm, 0800 5200 520. -Offers a range of resources, including an email helpline (
The Pain Toolkit:
Tame the Beast:
Live Well with Pain:
ALISS ( A local Information System for Scotland)
Action on Pain: – Offer support and advice including a telephone (0345 6031593) and e-mail helpline (
Scottish National Pain Management Programme:
British Pain Society:
Prescription drugs and driving:
Published: 30/04/2024 11:53