As a service we aim to work in partnership with women, partners and extended families and other health and social care professionals to provide the best possible care and early intervention to ensure the best possible outcome for parents, their infant and families.
We are developing Infant, Maternal & Neonatal and Perinatal Mental Health services across Grampian as part of a national programme. You'll find further details on local service developments via the service links below. Additionally, you can find further information on national developments on the Perinatal Mental Health Network Scotland website.
In Grampian, to support a timely response and access to the most appropriate service, we have established an umbrella service known as the Parent & Infant Mental Health Services (PIMHS). This brings together the family of specialist infant, maternal & neonatal and perinatal mental health teams which we have invested in and are establishing. These services discuss referrals between teams to ensure the most suitable package of care and treatment is provided to meet the needs of women, their infant, and families.

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Our Services
Our service consists of:
This website can’t provide individual clinical advice. If you are concerned about your mental health, or the health of someone close to you, please speak to your midwife, health visitor, GP or contact NHS24 on 111.
In an emergency, contact 999.
Contact Us
- IMH Service:
- MNPI service:
- CPMHT service:
Our teams are based across various sites, please refer to our individual service pages for location details.