Involving You
We know by involving you we can improve the experiences and outcomes of our Parent and Infant Mental Health Services. Collaborative working with service users, carers, families, staff and our wider communities will help us to shape and deliver services with better outcomes for all.
Opportunities for you to get involved:
- Become a member of the Grampian Maternity Voices Partnership (GMVP)
- Join the Mental Health & Learning Disability Public Empowerment Group to help create change and develop more meaningful lived experience involvement through co-production.
- Talk to us - If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints please speak to the member of the team you have been working with.
- Tell us about your experience (what was good or what could have been better) and get a response on the Care Opinion website - it's safe and anonymous:
Perinatal Mental Health:
Maternity and Neonatal Psychological Intervention: -
Interact with us and follow our updates on Social Media:
- Contact our Community Engagement Manager
Published: 28/08/2023 14:39