What is HIV?

HIV is a long term health condition which is now very easy to manage. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The virus targets the immune system and if untreated, weakens your ability to fight infections and disease. 

For more information click here.


HIV in Grampian 2024 - what you need to know


There was an increase in new HIV diagnoses in Grampian in 2023. There is still a risk of HIV transmission in Grampian, including sexually active gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM).

How to reduce your risk of HIV transmission:

· PrEP (Pre exposure prophylaxis) for HIV is available free from Grampian Sexual Health Service. This is medication which protects against HIV transmission when taken prior to a potential exposure.

· PEP (Post exposure prophylaxis) for HIV can be accessed from Grampian Sexual Health Services and via NHS24 out of hours. This is emergency medication which protects against HIV transmission when taken as soon as possible after a potential exposure, and must be started within 72 hours.

· Testing for HIV and other STIs is available from your GP or Grampian Sexual Health Services- we recommend testing every three months if having sex without condoms with new or casual partners.

For more information and how to book an apointment click here.

Published: 02/12/2024 15:55