Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding that you have an unplanned pregnancy can be emotionally difficult and stressful. Some people will choose to continue the pregnancy but others will choose to have an abortion.


If you have an unplanned pregnancy you can contact your own GP who will refer you to the sexual health service OR if you live in the Grampian region you can contact the sexual health service directly on:


01224 655535 Monday to Friday 9.00am - 2.00pm


For more information: Abortion

Termination of Pregnancy Leaflet.pdf


Safe Access Zones

Safe Access Zones are in place everywhere that abortion services are provided in Scotland from 24th September 2024.


Within a Safe Access Zone, it’s illegal to try to influence, harass, or prevent anyone from accessing or providing abortion services.  


There are 30 safe access zones across Scotland.


Grampian - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, and Dr Gray's Hospital. 


For more information visit www.gov.scot/safe-access-zones 

Published: 12/09/2024 15:29