Hospital Chapels
Hospital chapels are open for the use of patients, relatives and staff. They are places of quiet for prayer and meditation.
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
The chapel is available for the use of people who belong to any faith or none. Many members of hospital staff who are Muslim use the chapel for daily prayer when there is not time to travel to the Foresterhill Mosque.
Sandpiper Sanctuary - Emergency Department, ARI

Aberdeen Maternity Hospital
A stained glass window is the focus of the Chapel at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital. It is a small quiet place of peace used by many to give thanks or as a refuge at harder times. You will find the chapel on the ground floor, just past the reception desk. The stained glass window was designed by Jennifer Jayne Bayliss and depicts a baby supported by hands surrounded by birds, animals and plants. The Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Memorial Book lies here, and families are able to come in at any time to look at the page which records the death of their baby. The Chapel is open 24 hours a day.
Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital
The Chapel in the Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital is a place for quiet prayer and reflection. It can be found on the first floor beside the main lifts. It is open 24 hours a day.
Royal Cornhill Hospital
The Chapel at Royal Cornhill Hospital is situated in Block C and is clearly signposted. It is usually open for quiet meditation and reflection between 9.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. At other times, access can be obtained by ward staff contacting reception.
Roxburghe House
At the heart of Roxburghe House is the Chapel which provides a place of peace for quiet prayer and meditation.
Woodend Hospital Chapel / Quiet Room
The Chapel is open 24 hours a day.
Foresterhill Mosque
There is a Mosque on the Foresterhill Site in Aberdeen, located to the rear of the Maternity Hospital, near the IM&T building. Friday prayer takes place there at lunchtime and the Mosque is open for regular prayer at any time of the day. Because this is in a separate building it may not be suitable for patients to attend. If the available time or the circumstances make it difficult to perform prayer at the Mosque facility there is always the choice of performing it in one of the chapels available in every hospital within NHS Grampian. However, the Friday prayer is only held at the Mosque facility.
Dr Gray's Hospital Chapel
Published: 08/02/2024 14:31