Integrated Mortuary Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where is the new mortuary located?

A. The new Integrated Mortuary is being built on the Foresterhill Health Campus in Aberdeen. It is situated next to the existing Central Stores building and near to Foresterhill Health Centre on the ‘loop road’.

Q. Why was this location chosen?

A. An options appraisal process, which involved all key stakeholders, was carried out to consider all options and identify the preferred, most suitable location.

Q. What engagement has there been with the public for the new facility?

A. A range of stakeholders were involved throughout the planning stages, including in design workshops. Dedicated engagement sessions were also held with bereaved families.

Q. Why do we need a new mortuary?

A. Both current facilities are outdated and have no room for expansion to meet the requirements of an increased population, therefore a new facility which integrates all services and maintains high NHS standards, is the best way forward.

The new mortuary will replace the current NHS Grampian facilities at Foresterhill and public premises in Aberdeen. The new building will provide modern facilities which will benefit the public and staff.

Post-mortem facilities in Aberdeen provide a service to the North East, Northern Isles and other areas of Scotland as required, and this will ensure all services are under one roof and attaining NHS standards.

There will be facilities for teaching and training of future healthcare staff and modern facilities for bereaved families.

Q. How is the project being funded?

A. The new £30m Integrated Mortuary project is mainly funded by a direct grant from the Scottish Government and capital contributions from other partner organisations.

Q. What are the benefits of the new mortuary?

A. The new mortuary will provide:

  • more privacy and dignity in the bereavement suites giving more dignity for the deceased, as well as improved facilities for bereaved families
  • post-mortem suites which will be up-to-date with modern equipment and advanced technologies
  • new teaching, learning, and training facilities

Q. Which services will be able to use the new mortuary facilities?

A. The Integrated Mortuary will provide facilities for NHS Grampian, University of Aberdeen, the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service, Police Scotland, and Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Orkney, and Shetland Island Councils. Other boards and local authorities may use expertise as required.

Q. Is the new mortuary bigger than the current one to accommodate all of the services accessing it?

A. Yes, it is bigger to reflect the increased needs of a growing population, the new build standards for mortuaries and to cope with any future civil contingencies.
The new mortuary has been future proofed by providing significant additional capacity.

It is part of NHS Grampian’s transformation programme to provide modern clinical facilities with cutting edge technologies to advance clinical care.

Q. When will the new mortuary facility open?

A. The Integrated Mortuary is due to open in early 2025.

Q. What will happen to the existing Mortuary building/ facilities?

A. The existing NHS and public mortuaries will become part of the site development plans for Foresterhill Health Campus and Aberdeen City Council regeneration plans, respectively.

Q. What facilities will there be to support visitors / family members?

A. There will be private areas with trained professionals as well as signposting to partner agencies.

Q. Will there be dedicated parking spaces at the new facility?

A. Yes, there will be parking available for relatives, including electric charging points.

Q. Will there be any landscaping around the new mortuary?

A. Yes, there will be landscaping on the west side of the new building. There will also be an element of bringing the outside into the design of the internal courtyards for the bereaved to find solitude.

Q. Will art be used in the building?

A. Yes. An Art Strategy is being developed for the new facility. More details will be available at a later stage.

Q. Will the new facility be creating new job opportunities?

A: No, the new facility will bring together the existing Queen Street and Foresterhill mortuary facilities and their respective teams so staff are already in place. Positively, the new development will support the future recruitment and retention of staff.

Q. Have lessons been learned and implemented from other local/national projects?

A. Yes, lessons learnt have been incorporated from local and national projects including those learnt from site visits to both Tayside and Greater Glasgow & Clyde Mortuaries.

If you have any other questions about the project, you can contact us at

Published: 23/05/2024 10:50