Public Involvement

Community Empowerment

Participation Request Guidance

Community bodies can now make participation requests to NHS services.

Part 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 came into force on 1st April 2017. Essentially, community groups have the right to work with NHS services to improve their outcomes. All participation requests are to be routed to the Public Involvement Team. The Public Involvement Team will assess all participation requests, and where granted will coordinate the necessary arrangements across the system. An NHS Grampian Participation Request Policy has been written to help staff meet their statutory responsibilities under the Act. The policy includes a template for community bodies to use when making a participation request. Scottish Government guidance is also available.

All community body participation requests should be submitted in writing to:

Public Involvement Team
Foresterhill House
Ashgrove Road West
AB25 2ZB

Alternatively participation requests can be emailed to:

Further advice and support is available from the Public Involvement Team on 01224 558098.

Community Planning Aberdeen have produced information about the Participation Request process along with contact details for the Community Planning Partners - please note this information applies only to Aberdeen City.


Asset Transfer

Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 introduces a right for community bodies to make requests to all local authorities, Scottish Ministers and a wide-ranging list of public bodies, for any land or buildings they feel they could make better use of. They can request ownership, lease or other rights, as they wish. Scottish Government guidance for Community Transfer Bodies is available.

A list of NHS Grampian owned properties is available (pdf)

Annual Asset Transfer Review 2020-2021 (pdf)

Annual Asset Transfer Review 2021-2022 (pdf)

Annual Asset Transfer Review 2022-2023 (pdf)

Annual Asset Transfer Review 2023-2024 (pdf)

Asset Transfer Requests - First Annual Overview (April 2017 - April 2018) (pdf)

Current Asset Transfer Requests

Leanchoil Trust Ltd (pdf)

Submitting Participation Requests

All community body participation requests should be submitted in writing to:

Public Involvement Team
Foresterhill House
Ashgrove Road West
AB25 2ZB

Alternatively participation requests can be emailed to:

Community Planning Aberdeen have produced information about the Asset Transfer process along with contact details for the Community Planning Partners - please note this information applies only to Aberdeen City.

Published: 22/07/2024 16:26