Public Involvement

How staff can get involved

SEN logo

Staff Equalities Network (SEN)

The SEN is open to all health and care staff.  The network meets regularly to share learning and good practice and supports NHS Grampian towards becoming an anti-racist and anti-discriminatory organisation.
NEG logo

Neurodiversity Empowerment Group

The Neurodiversity Empowerment Group has been established to bring together individuals who have a personal and/or professional interest in making NHS Grampian a more neuro friendly place to work.
GEMS logo

Grampian Empowered Multicultural Staff (GEMS) Group

The GEMS has been established to help centre the voices our ethnically and culturally diverse colleagues.  The GEMS is open to anyone who is passionate about advancing the principles of anti-racism in NHS Grampian.
Culture Matters logo

Culture Collaborative Open Forum

The Culture Collaborative Open Forum runs on a monthly basis and is open to all colleagues across NHS Grampian who want to learn about, nurture and develop supportive, inclusive and empowering work cultures in NHS Grampian where the values of caring, listening and improving are evident in every day practice.
For more information contact
Grampian Engagement Network

Grampian Engagement Network

Learn about the background and purpose of this group.

Published: 22/07/2024 16:28