Grampian Engagement Network
The Grampian Engagement Network (GEN) began as an idea to co-design a hallmark for great practice in engagement. This process began in November 2020 with a core group of about 10 members from across the sectors, including a Public Representative. At this time, the country was in lockdown due to COVID-19.
People working in engagement roles in Grampian subsequently found themselves trying to do engagement with people and communities at a time when everyone was learning to live and work in isolation.
During the course of the process, the Network gathered interest and increased its membership significantly, as people felt a de
sire to connect and collaborate with others who found themselves in a similar situation experiencing a collective challenge.
By the time the first draft of the Hallmark for Engagement had gone out for consultation in August 2021, the Network had grown to consist of around 40 members of engagement practitioners from all sectors in Grampian, including
- NHS Grampian
- Health and Social Care Partnerships
- Third Sector
- Public Representatives
- Community Planning
- Local Authority
Grampian Engagement Network - 'Hallmark for Engagement' - The Grampian Engagement Network (nhsgrampian.org)