Are you a member of the public? How you can get involved

Public Involvement

How to get involved

There are a number of ways that you can get involved:

  • One-off projects - There will be opportunities, from time to time, to give your views and be involved in, one-off or short-life projects
  • Surveys – Services often use surveys to gather feedback on their service, planned changes etc
  • Focus groups – Services may organise focus groups to gather views and facilitate discussion on service changes
  • Member of group/committees – There are a number of groups and committees working across NHS Grampian, in a variety of services/areas whose membership includes Public Representatives - Include link to Reps on Governance Groups doc

We share all of these opportunities with our Public Involvement Network (PIN) members.

Support Information

An information pack has been developed which provides support to representatives in their role and covers the essentials that representatives need to know. This pack is available to download (pdf)

We also offer ongoing support including training events and out-of-pocket expenses such as travel expenses. Our Expenses Payment Policy outlines what is covered and how to claim:

NHS Grampian has number of networks that partners, patients and members of our communities can get involved in. 

Public Involvement

Public Involvement Network (PIN)

The Public Involvement Network (PIN) provides a range of opportunities for members of the public to be involved with NHS Grampian. Our Public Representatives helps to ensure that services are developed in partnership with people who use our service.

For more information, contact: or visit: Public Involvement Network (

Grampian Maternity Voices Partnership

Grampian Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)

The Grampian MVP is an independent advisory and action forum made up of service users, their representatives and NHS staff. It exists to make sure that NHS Grampian listens to and takes account of the views and experiences of the people who use the local maternity services.

For more information, contact or visit: About the Grampian Maternity Voices Partnership – Birth in Grampian (


Mental Health & Learning Disabilities (MHLD) Public Empowerment Group (PEG)

The MHLD PEG is primarily a lived experience group working alongside service providers to create change around traditional engagement opportunities, and to develop more meaningful lived experience involvement through co-production.

For more information, contact or visit: The Mental Health and Learning Disability (MHLD) Public Empowerment Group (

Grampian Engagement Network

Grampian Engagement Network (GEN)

The GEN is a network of engagement practitioners and those with an interest in engagement from a range of organisations, and from across all sectors in Grampian. The aim is to work in a collaborative way, share best practice and avoid duplication.

For more information, contact or visit: The Grampian Engagement Network (

Grampian Research Office logo

Grampian Research Office (GRO)

Members of the public can be involved in shaping medical research. Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research ensures that patients or other people with relevant experience contribute to how research is designed, conducted and disseminated. It does not refer to research participants taking part in a study. Members of the public can also become members of Research Ethics Committees. For more information, visit the GRO website or e-mail:

Public Involvement Events at ARI

Details of forthcoming events.

Volunteering - making a difference

Volunteering in NHS Grampian

Are you friendly, dependable and interested in working as part of a team within NHS Grampian? Do you have a couple of hours a week to spare? Volunteering is a rewarding way to spend your spare time and we’d love to hear from you!

Published: 26/02/2025 14:12