Meet the Team

Louise Ballantyne
Head of Engagement
I joined NHS Grampian in 1996 as a newly qualified staff nurse and worked for 10 years in a variety of clinical settings at ARI. After this I worked in management roles in Acute, Planning and Corporate Communication Directorates. I joined the Public Involvement Team in 2015, and have always been passionate about patients having the best possible care experience and feels very privileged to be in a role that promotes this.

Lauren Tweedley
Projects Engagement Manager / Deputy Head of Engagement
After studying Corporate Communications I have worked in a Corporate Communications setting for almost 20 years. I oversee all communication and engagement for all of our capital projects as well as leading on these areas for the Baird and ANCHOR project. I am passionate about working for the NHS and in consulting and involving patients, carers and the public in service changes and redesign. For me the best result is when you can see an actual physical or service change that wouldn’t have happened without engagement – as the people using and working in the service are the ones that know it best.

Liz Howarth
Engagement and Inclusion Manager, Deputy Head of Engagement (Communities)
I bring along a diverse working background, and range of experiences including working overseas and working in Aberdeen's third sector for several years.
I joined NHS Grampian in 2015. My current role of Engagement and Inclusion Manager has been instrumental, along with other stakeholders in developing the NHS Grampian Antiracism Plan 2023 - 28 and co-ordinating the Staff Equalities Network
I also oversee a number of engagement projects including the Grampian Engagement Network (GEN) which brings together engagement leads from across the wider Grampian system.

Hannah Ronald
Community Engagement Manager (Maternity Services)
I have worked for three NHS Scotland health boards in operational and strategic posts.
I am currently aligned to Grampian wide engagement with Maternity and Neonatal Services. I regularly attend the Grampian Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) groups, engaging with and listening to the voices of service users to help inform and influence service planning and delivery.

Pamela Jack
Engagement Coordinator
After several years in the role of Senior Public Health Practitioner, I am delighted to now be a part of the NHS Grampian Engagement team. I have a degree in Business Studies and over 30 years’ experience of management, facilitation and health promotion in the NHS, third sector and private sectors in Grampian, London and Bristol.
I am passionate about all aspects of wellbeing and supported self-management and I believe that engagement with patients, the public and colleagues is essential if we are to promote wellbeing amongst our communities.
I bring to the team, my organisational skills, and am developing systems and procedures to increase our efficiency and transparency. In addition, I coordinate the Public Involvement Network (PIN) and the Neurodiversity Empowerment Group (NEG)

Andrea Gray
Consultation & Engagement Advisor

Cate Garrow
Public Involvement Officer
I was delighted to join the team in July 2022. Until summer 2024 I was part of the Mental Health Learning Disability Public Empowerment Group as Public Empowerment Officer, supporting members and programming and facilitating monthly meetings. I also worked with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) on a questionnaire looking at people's experience of the service in Aberdeen and Elgin. I am currently working with colleagues on a programme of on site 'experiences' that are open to the public. These events will run throughout the year and offer interesting insights into the amazing organisation that is NHS Grampian. Engagement is so important to this organisation - it values the insight, expertise and experiences of people with lived experience and I am so happy to be a part of it.
I have a background in theatre, drama and community projects and, aside from my NHS role, I am a freelance creative practitioner and singer.