Denburn, Mastrick and Northfield (Aurora) Development Project

In April 2018 the Scottish Government approved an £8.1 million investment in facilities to build a new Integrated Community Hub for the delivery of Health and Care services in the central locality for the communities of Denburn, Mastrick and Northfield.
The new facility will include the following services:
- Denburn Medical Practice
- Aurora Medical Practice (Northfield Surgery/Mastrick Clinic)
- Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership, including Integrated Health and Social Care Team and Allied Health Professionals, for example: community nursing, community midwifery, health visitors, podiatry, speech and language, and dietetics
Initial Agreement
The Initial Agreement (pdf) is the first phase in the business planning process. There will be a further two phases of the business planning process, which involves the development and approval of Outline and Full Business Cases.
Outline Business Case
The Outline Business Case (pdf) is the second phase in the business planning process and is now available. This was approved by the NHS Grampian Board on Thursday 4th April 2019.
Final Business Case
This final stage in the business planning process is now underway; this is called the Final Business Case. This is expected to be presented to the NHS Grampian Board in December 2019.
The following provides key information on the expected project timescales:
- Initial Agreement approval - April 2018
- Outline Business Case approval - April 2019
- Final Business Case approval - December 2019
- Commence construction - Early 2020
- Completion of new facility - Spring 2021
Communication Activity
In January 2018, the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership hosted a range of events 'What matters to you about your GP practice?' which involved members of the public, staff and patients. Information from these events are available:
- Denburn Event Poster (15th January 2018) (pdf)
- Mastrick Event Poster (12th & 16th January 2018) (pdf)
- Northfield Event Poster (12th & 16th January 2018) (pdf)
- What matters to you? Survey (pdf)
Facebook page is now live:
In November / December 2018, a further series of engagement events took place. The full details of these events are available (pdf).
More information
- Information Sheet (pdf)
- Note of interest in getting involved (docx)
Published: 27/09/2024 11:28