Welcome to the Grampian Engagement Network (GEN)

We are delighted that you have come to our webpage to find out more about our work, and we hope you will find the information helpful.
Established in 2020 during Covid-19, the GEN evolved as a way to bring together colleagues working in engagement roles, from across Grampian who were adapting to the challenges of doing engagement under the locked down landscape.
Today the GEN continue to meet on-line, to support each other’s work, collaborate around common aims, and showcase innovation and great practice in engagement.
The Network aims to meet every quarter via Teams and welcomes anyone from across the public, community and third sector who has engagement in their role, or who has a general interest in engagement.
If you would like to be added to the group and receive invitation to future meetings and events, please contact us on gram.gen@nhs.scot
In the meantime, please feel free to have a look at our Grampian Standard of Engagement which was co-designed and co-developed by the GEN as a benchmark for good engagement practice.
We look forward to welcoming you to a future session!
Published: 28/05/2024 15:34