Speech and Language Therapy
NHS Grampian’s Speech & Language Therapy service is split across seven teams: Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Community Child Health, Acute, Mental Health and Adults with Learning Disabilities. These teams work in a range of locations. A few examples include hospital locations, education settings, homes and health centres. The client groups are similarly diverse and span the full range from neonatal infants to end of life care.
I would like to become a Speech & Language Therapist
Practising as a Speech & Language Therapist requires a degree from a recognised institution and registration to practice from the Health and Care Professionals Council. Training in Scotland is available at the University of Strathclyde and Queen Margaret University. Please visit the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists website for details of all HEI courses available.
If you are in S5/S6 and would like to spend some time with the Speech and Language Therapy team for work experience please use the NHS Grampian Work Experience website.
It is also possible for graduates with a relevant degree (biology, psychology or linguistics) to become Speech & Language Therapists. In Scotland, postgraduate training is offered by Queen Margaret University.
I am currently training to be a Speech & Language Therapist
Speech & Language Therapy students seeking a clinical placement with NHS Grampian are warmly welcomed. Please speak to your course co-ordinator in the first instance who can liaise with our Student Co-ordinators.
I am a qualified Speech & Language Therapist and considering a move to Grampian
We are pleased to hear you are interested in joining one of our teams. Vacancies are advertised on the NHS Grampian Recruitment website and updated weekly.
I am a qualified Speech & Language Therapist but it’s been some years since I practised. Am I able to return to work?
NHS Grampian welcome enquiries from Speech & Language Therapists who have allowed their registration to lapse or have had a career break. We are happy to support you to regain registration through supervision and an assessment of your clinical competencies. Detailed below is a list of our Speech & Language Therapy Managers if you wish to have an informal chat about return to practice:
Adult Acute - clare.emerson@nhs.scot
Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership - pamela.cornwallis@nhs.scot
Aberdeenshire Health & Social Care Partnership - emma-louise.macpherson@nhs.scot
Combined Child Health - lorna.grant9@nhs.scot/marie.overman@nhs.scot
Mental Health & Learning Disabilities - fiona.flett@nhs.scot
Moray Health & Social Care Partnership - anya.bird@nhs.scot
More information is also available via the Health & Care Professions Council and the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists.
Published: 23/01/2024 10:43