Aberdeenshire Child Poverty Local Action Report
This is a joint report with Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian working together to reduce child poverty across Aberdeenshire. The report shows what we have achieved in the 12 months, July 2019 to June 2020 but also reflects on the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on this priority piece of work. The report highlights good practice where families have been supported to access opportunities which reduces household costs, increases income, and improves access to employment. It outlines areas for development and next steps as well as links across other plans and priorities, ensuring the work to reduce child poverty is embedded in key areas of work.
One of the most important actions taken to challenge poverty in Aberdeenshire has been setting up the Lived Experience Forum, this safe space enables those experiencing the adverse effects of poverty to have a voice and support us to adapt services to ensure we are making a direct difference to people's lives. One example of this, highlighted in the report, was in April 2020 where families requested direct payments for those entitled to free school meals, this was actioned and in place within two weeks.
The forum allows engagement with a range of families from different backgrounds and they will be working with us to adapt services to ensure they meet the needs of those using them, examples of these will be around fuel poverty and digital inclusion.
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit those who were already experiencing poverty hard and there is the likelihood of more families at risk of falling into poverty for the first time. In order to reduce the impact of this we will be looking at the following priority areas in 2020/21:
- Develop targeted training and employment programmes for young people that are leaving education not only in 2020 but for the next few years.
- Develop an Aberdeenshire Food Strategy which will coordinate the activity within this sector, including reduction of waste, employment, growing and access to good low-cost fresh produce
- Develop a Digital Inclusion programme which will cover, skills, kit connections and affordability.
- Ensure those that have a disability or medical condition are not left behind.
- Increase engagement with those who have been affected most including young people, and those that have never experience poverty before.