Why are inhalers important for my lung condition?

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If you have a long term lung condition you may need medication to help it. Medication works best when it goes directly into the lungs. Inhalers are by far the best way to do this. There are lots of different types of inhalers. No matter what type of inhaler you use, it is really important that your inhaler technique is the best it can possibly be. A good inhaler technique makes sure that the medicine gets delivered into your lungs efficiently and ensures you get the maximum benefit from each dose. This keeps the dose of the medicine you need to control your condition as low as possible and side effects to a minimum. 

It can be common to experience problems when using an inhaler. Your doctor, practice nurse or pharmacist will be able to help check your inhaler technique to make sure you are getting the best from your inhalers. 

How long should my Reliever Inhaler last?
How long should my Preventer Inhaler last?
What is the average cost of inhalers?

Published: 08/11/2024 11:04