Useful Alcohol Websites

Alcoholics Anonymous
Hold free local support meetings in most towns and cities for those experiencing alcohol problems


Alcohol Focus Scotland
Alcohol Focus Scotland is Scotland's national alcohol charity.
Their main aims are to promote a responsible attitude to drinking in Scotland and to reduce the effects of alcohol misuse on all those affected by their own or another's drinking. Alcohol Focus Scotland are the umberella organisation for local councils on alcohol who can provide counselling and support for those experiencing alcohol problems.


Alcohol Free Spaces Scotland
A community led group which is seeking to promote safe 'alcohol free spaces'.


Alcohol Education & Research Council
The Council's main aims are to:

  • Generate and disseminate research based evidence to inform and influence policy and practice.
  • Develop the capacity of people and organisations to address alcohol issues.


Alcohol Learning Centre 
Providing online resources and learning for commissioners, planners and practitioners working to reduce alcohol-related harm.


Drinkaware aims to change the UK's drinking habits for the better. We promote responsible drinking and find innovative ways to challenge the national drinking culture to help reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol-related harm.

An independent, UK-wide charity, we are supported by voluntary donations from across the drinks industry to equip people with the knowledge they need to make decisions about how much they drink.


Drink Smarter
Scottish website challenging people to examine how many units of alcohol they are consuming and encouraging people to cut down the amount they drink.


Public Health Information for Scotland

The Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) collaboration aim to provide a clear picture of the health of the Scottish population and the factors that affect it. They have provided information on a number of behavioural factors known to influence health, including alcohol.


ScotPHO Online Profiles Tool (OPT)
The ScotPHO Online Profiles Tool (OPT) provides access to various public health related indicators grouped in a suite of specialist profiles.


Sobering Thought

This webpage provides information and online tools to help people make better choices about their drinking:

  • Discover how much you spend on alcohol
  • Discover how many calories you are drinking
  • Discover if you are drinking more than you think
  • Top Tips on how to drink responsibly
  • Local support services


Support for Families Affected by Alcohol


Take Life On
Offers ideas and simple practical steps you can take to lead a more healthier lifestyle. 


Talk About Alcohol 

Talk About Alcohol aims to give you the FACTS. What is alcohol? How does it affect young people? Which laws should you know about? Knowing the score will help you to make your own decisions about alcohol in the future.

Published: 16/10/2020 11:16