Best Start Grant

What is the Best Start Grant?

The Best Start Grant is 3 cash payments that you can apply for if you are a parent or carer in a low income family who receive certain benefits or tax credits.  
  1. Pregnancy and Baby Payment can be applied for from 24 weeks pregnant until your baby is 6 months old but this goes up to 1 year if you have taken over the care of a child.  It is £600 for the first child and £300 for a second or subsequent child.  This payment is to help with e.g. maternity clothes or a pram.

  2. The Early Learning Payment can be applied for from your child's second birthday up to the day your child turns 3 years and 6 months.  The payment is £250 and is to help with e.g. day trips and books or toys that promote learning.

  3. The School Age Payment can be applied for in the year your child will be starting school.  The payment is £250 and is to help with e.g. school trips and activities. 


Best Start Grant

The Best Start Grant does not affect any other benefits or tax credits that you receive. 

Do I qualify?

You qualify for the Best Start Grant if you're at least 24 weeks pregnant or have a child who is within the age brackets listed above and you or your family receive: 
  • Income Support, or
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, or
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, or
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit
If you are a parent under 18 you do not need to be on any other payments or benefits to get the Best Start Grant.
If you are 18 or 19 and do not get benefits you can still apply if your parent or carer gets certain benefits however this application cannot be done online.  Instead you will need to call the free helpline on 0800 182 2222 or download and complete the paper form (details below)

How to apply for the Best Start Grant

You can apply by: 
  • Calling this free number: 0800 182 2222

  • Completing the online application form 

  • A version of the form that can be downloaded, printed and sent by post is also available - details of the address to send the form to and how to access a pre-paid envelope are included in the form.
The application form has been translated into over 100 languages.
Applications can be made from when you are 24 weeks pregnant.  Reminders about further payments will then be sent at various trigger points to ensure you apply for these.
There is no limit on the number of children per household who are eligible for the grant and you should hear within 10 working days if your application has been successful.

Useful websites 



Published: 16/10/2020 12:04