Treatment for bladder problems

Many people with a bladder problem can be helped and many people can be completely cured.

You can get help from your local Community Nurse, Practice Nurse, GP or at a Specialist Joint Continence Clinics. At these clinics there are nurses and physiotherapists who specialise in bladder and bowel problems. 

When you are seen by the Doctor, Nurse or Physiotherapist will ask you questions to try and find out what could be causing your problems. They will do:

  • Urinalysis - a test that needs a sample of urine to find out if there is any infection or any blood in your urine
  • Bladder scan - a scanning machine that is used to check that you are emptying your bladder completely 

When all the questions have been asked and tests have been undertaken, a treatment plan will be discussed with you.  This may include referral to the hospital for further investigations and treatment. You could also be given medicine to help you with your bladder problems.

Published: 16/10/2020 11:48