Breastfeeding Information and Support
Breastfeeding Groups
Support for Breastfeeding Families

Breastfeeding Peer Support
As well as the support provided by your health professionals, NHS Grampian offers a Breastfeeding Peer Support Service.
Our volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters have all breastfed their own child(ren) and have undertaken a training programme to provide you with support to meet your personal breastfeeding goals, whatever they may be. Our breastfeeding peer supporter can also provide information and support to those supporting you, whether that is your partner, parents or others who play a significant role in your life.
Near Me
Whether you are pregnant and thinking about breastfeeding or your baby has arrived, our Midwives, Health Visitor/Family Nurse, Breastfeeding

Peer Supporters and the Infant Feeding Team can offer one to one support with breastfeeding using NHS Near Me Video consulting.
To use this service you need access to a device which has a camera and a microphone. The device should be able to access mobile data / WiFi. It uses a similar amount of data to Skype/Facetime. Don’t let the thought of the camera put you off. Although it can be helpful to see your child attaching to the breast, you can turn your camera on and off. Similarly, you can turn your microphone on and off. There is also a ‘chat’ function where you can exchange messages up to 200 characters.
Speak to your Midwife, Health Visitor/Family Nurse to arrange the appropriate level of Health Care Professional Support required. Our Breastfeeding Peer Support Service also offers NHS Near Me support. To find out more or to make an appointment with a local breastfeeding peer supporter, e-mail

Support in the Community
Facebook support
NHS Grampian Phone Support for Breastfeeding
National Breastfeeding Helpline

0300 100 0212
NCT Infant Feeding Line0300 330 0700 (8am to midnight)
- La Leche League helpline
0345 120 2918 (9am - 11pm) - Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
0300 330 5453 (9.30am to 10.30pm)
- Parent Club (Information and advice) -
- UNICEF Baby Friendly (Information, research and videos) -
- NHS Inform - Ready Steady Baby! (Information and advice) -
- Breastfeed Grampian Support Group -
- Birth in Grampian Website
- Medela - 0161 776 0400
- Ardo Breast Pumps - 01823 336 362