What we eat can make a considerable difference to our health. A balanced diet is important for everyone, whatever your age. In Grampian we are working together to make sure that everybody can enjoy the benefits of eating a healthy diet.


A healthier diet can be achieved by:

  • Increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables we eat to at least five portions a day;

  • Reducing the amount of fat we eat, particularly saturated fat;

  • Combining healthy eating with regular physical activity;

  • Encouraging and enabling people to develop skills and knowledge that will help them to improve their diet;

  • Eating a balanced diet is a positive step we can all take towards improving our health.

Want to find out how you can have a healthier diet?

Visit Take Life On (external website) where you will find ideas and recipes that help you eat more healthily. Perfect for both adults and children!

Visit Healthy Weight Grampian - www.healthyweightgrampian.scot.nhs.uk - where information is available for anyone looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle with the aim of achieving better health and a healthier weight.  This website is a joint project between NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Health & Social Care Partnerships. 

More information and contacts

For more information please contact:

Fiona Matthew, Health Improvement Advisor - Catering
e-mail: fiona.matthew@nhs.scot

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Published: 23/07/2024 09:26