Useful Websites



ALISS is a national digital programme enabling people and professionals to find and share information on resources, services, groups, and support in their local communities and online.

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK is a national registered charity formed 30 years ago by a sufferer of agoraphobia for those affected by anxiety disorders.  They can provide support and help if you've been diagnosed with, or suspect you may have an anxiety condition. They can also help you deal with specific phobias such as fear of spiders, blushing, vomiting, being alone, public speaking, heights - in fact, any fear that's stopped you from getting on with your life.


Beyond Blue

This Australian website is the portal for their national depression initiative.  It has a comprehensive range of self help resources, many of which can be used to promote good mental health.


Breathing Space

Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone line you can call when you're feeling down. You might be worried about something - money, work, relationships, exams - or maybe you're just feeling fed up and can't put your finger on why


Depression Alliance

Depression Alliance is a leading UK charity for people affected by depression.  The website contains information about the symptoms of depression, the treatments for depression, research and publications and self help resources.


Depression in Teenagers

Written by Cathy Richards, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Nicky Cannon, Locum Consultant Psychiatrist, Eileen Scott, Assistant Psychologist, this website deals with the subject of depression in young people. It is intended that it be used as a resource to help users to recognise the symptoms associated with the condition as well as offering some suggestions about ways to combat these symptoms.


Living Life to the Full

The Living Life to the Full course is a life skills course that aims to provide access to high quality, practical and user-friendly training in life skills.  The course content teaches key knowledge in how to tackle and respond to issues/demands which we all meet in our everyday lives.


Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation exists to help people survive, recover from and prevent mental health problems.  The website offers information, support and advice, including information on the work of the Foundation.



Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. We work to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.  The website offers information on the organisation's work and Mind resources on areas of mental health.



A free self help program to teach cognitive behavioural skills to people who are feeling anxious or depressed.  This is very effectve self help.


See Me

The 'see me' campaign was launched in October 2002 to challenge stigma and discrimination around mental ill-health in Scotland. The campaign is run by an alliance of five Scottish mental health organisations.


Steps for Stress

Stress doesn't just make you feel bad, it's not good for your health.  Thankfully, there are steps you can take to start dealing with it. Research shows that small steps can make a big difference.  This website covers practical ways for you to start dealing with stress


Young Minds

YoungMinds is the national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children and young people.  The web site offers information, resources and advice to support young people, parents and professionals.

Published: 20/10/2022 10:07