
If a child or young person have Long COVID, they may find that they have difficulty catching their breath and / or feel short of breath more easily. This can happen with minimal activity or exertion. Breathlessness can be concerning, please visit the following page for up-to-date advice for shortness of breath. Shortness of breath | NHS inform

When to phone a doctor

You should phone your GP immediately if a child / young person has sudden unexpected shortness of breath, as there may be a problem with your airways or heart.
If a child / young person has struggled with your breathing for a while, don’t ignore it. Contact you GP.

Although the resources below were developed for adults with Long COVID they have some practical and relevant advice for children and young people with Long COVID.

Long COVID: Breathlessness | Long-term effects of COVID-19 ( 

Breathlessness and cough - 

Physiotherapy for breathing pattern disorders

Published: 02/05/2024 13:25