The Primary Care Redesign Programme - what is this?
There is a programme of work in Aberdeen City to look at the way primary care services need to be changed to better reflect the changing needs of the population. We have a number of big challenges facing us and we need to address these in a co-ordinated way to ensure we can provide sustainable services for the long term. Some of the biggest challenges are:
- Changes in the local population: growing elderly population.
- The health of the local population is changing, for example an increase in long term conditions such as diabetes and asthma.
- An increased shift of activities from hospital to community settings.
- Staff availability and training to manage the shift of activities.
- The aim to deliver care in the community, closer to home.
- Limitations in existing premises.
- New residential developments.
Any changes to services will be made with these challenges in mind and will, of course, include public consultation and engagement to ensure we remain focussed on the needs of patients, carers and their families.
We aim to:
- Build an overall service for the future that delivers high quality patient experiences and is a good place for our healthcare professionals to work.
- Build a service that delivers good value for the people of Aberdeen, operates efficiently and continues to provide quality services for the future.
What this might mean for you?
- More services available in community settings.
- More tailored services available for the area of the city that you live in.
- Better access to a variety of services.
- Practices delivering services together.
- A review of practice boundaries in light of traffic flow across the city. Perhaps being more convenient for patients to be registered with a GP practice that could be closer to home.
- Changes to the roles and responsibilities of practice staff for example you may see your nurse for something you would have traditionally gone to your doctor for.
NHS Grampian is committed to keeping patients informed therefore we aim to give you updates as the programme develops.
Published: 23/07/2024 09:20