Information and resources for staff

In NHS Grampian we welcome the Chief Medical Officer's paper which can be found at: Realistic Medicine: Taking Care - Chief Medical Officer for Scotland Annual Report 2023–2024 ( This programme of works also ties in with NHS Grampian's "Plan for the Future" (2022-2028) which aims to make healthcare more accessible, sustainable, and tailored to the needs of the population by focusing on people, places, and pathways. More information on that and the annual delivery plan can be found at:
Embedding a Realistic Medicine approach into the way in which we deliver care is taking us back to the core of why we entered the caring profession, reminding us that we are much more than just systems and processes. We are people responding to people.
E-Learning, resources and tools
There are excellent online resources available to all who have a Turas account – follow the links below:
Realistic Medicine
Realistic medicine | Turas | Learn (
Shared Decision Making
Shared Decision Making module - Turas Learn
Shared Decision Making - elearning for healthcare (
Shared decision making learning package (
Health Literacy Place
There are a wide range of tools on this website which can support your health literacy practice.
Home - The Health Literacy Place
NHS Grampian Realistic Medicine Resources
Service Redesign Toolkit
This SharePoint toolkit aims to provide services with the guidance, resources and tools required to support the redesign of referral pathways and vetting processes. The aim is to improve patient care by implementing seamless pathways and reducing waiting times to ensure patients who require an appointment are seen as a priority.
Contact for any other information.
NHS Grampian Future Care Planning
Future Care Planning is about providing individuals with coordinated person-centred care which focuses on their goals and preferences while offering shared decision making when it comes to their treatment and care options.
This SharePoint site aims to provide you with guidance, resources and tools to support you and your team to have and record future care planning conversations.
Published: 25/10/2024 11:29