Generic Medicines

Different names for the same medicines


What is a generic medicine?

When pharmaceutical companies develop a new medicine they give it two names:

  • Generic Name - the name of the drug contained in the medicine - for example paracetamol

  • Brand Name - the name given to the medicine by the manufacturers for example Panadol and Calpol are all brand names given by different manufacturers to medicines containing paracetamol.


Are generic medicines as good as branded medicines?

Yes. Manufacture of generic medicines is regulated by the same strict control of safety and quality as branded medicines.


Why do generic medicines look different?

Generic medicines are made by different companies, therefore they may differ from their branded counterparts in size, shape, colour and sometimes taste but they contain exactly the same drug.


Why are doctors prescribing generic medicines?

The main advantages of prescribing generic medicines is that they usually cost less than branded medicines.


How does this affect you?

Within NHS Grampian, all prescribers will write prescriptions generically. 

If for any clinical reason it is important that you receive a specific brand, your prescriber will not change it to a generic one. 

Patient preference is not a valid reason for a branded prescription. 

Published: 06/06/2024 09:37