
Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 28th February

We all know about the need for action for environmental sustainability, and most of us take some steps to help the planet – but how much attention do we give to sustaining ourselves?

Spaces for Listening

A simple and lightly-structured process which creates a space for colleagues to come together and share their thoughts and feelings at this time of uncertainty.

Guided journaling questions for sharing w/c 21st February

Love it or loathe it, it comes around every year and it can be can be about everything from saints to pagan holidays, romance, cards, flowers, dinner … you name it, Valentine’s Day probably has it covered. So let’s use the opportunity to care for ourselves and think about some self-love.

Guided journaling questions for week beginning 14th February 2022

When it comes to colleagues, you will no doubt have had your ups and downs; high points and low points, whether with an individual or a team, past or present. Thinking of a high point in a working relationship with a colleague or colleagues, what was that time and what made it such a high point for you? What made it work?

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 7th Feb

Victor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychologist, noted that between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

We Care Newsletter - February 2022

We are pleased to share our February We Care Newsletter, available to view online. Why not share this round your teams or print a copy to add to your staff room to keep everyone up to date on We Care events, information and news? If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter or provide us with some feedback, please email us at gram.wecare@nhs.scot