
Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 25th July

With all the busy-ness of life we can sometimes find that those things that bring us joy become difficult to fit in. Q1. What are, or have been, sources of delight, joy or contentment for you? Q2. What might you gain if you were to move yourself closer to one of these? Q3. How might you go about doing this? Q4. Who or what could help in this endeavour? Q5. What now is in your field of view that wasn’t there before?

Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 11th July

We’ve now past the half-way point in the year. Q1. Looking back over the past six months, what are you pleased about? Q2. What is still to be done? Q3. What patterns are you noticing? Q4. How might you use this information to help move forward in the next phase? Q5. What will you do now?

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 4th July 2022

Labelling people can impact their self-identity and become ingrained in their psyche. What labels are you giving yourself? In what ways do you label others? How does the use of these labels help or hinder you? Who could you be without them? What steps can you take to loosen their hold on you and those you interact with?