
Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 27th June

Be it in or out of work, there has been a lot of ‘restarting’ in the last weeks and months. To do this it may be that we need to consider giving up things for good.

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 20/06/2022

Sanyin Siang is a published author and executive Coach with a personal mission in life to enable the greatness in others. She is a great fan of saying ‘No’. Thinking of tasks, projects, obligations, relationships, beliefs patterns, and other things that limit you.

Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 13th June

We all have things we need to say. Sometimes we don’t say them because we don’t know how. Sometimes we say them and wish we’d said them differently. We can always work on how we say things. Q1. What interaction(s) are you going to have in the coming days and weeks where the outcome(s) really matter? Q2. Choosing one, what word DON’T you want to say? Q3. What do you really want from this interaction? Q4. What words of appreciation or acknowledgement might help? Q5. What have you discovered?

Wellbeing Sessions: What’s on June – October 2022

Details of various wellbeing sessions organised from June - October 2022

Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 6th June

We often forget to consider our choices. Maybe we’re rushing, maybe it’s habit, maybe we’ve forgotten that we actually have a choice – we’re following someone else’s pattern and haven’t given thought to what else we might do. Our choices shape us - who we are and who we become - either through intention or neglect. Q1. What do you do without question – as though you have no choice? Q2. Where might you have more choice? Q3. In what way are your choices shaping you? Q4. And how might they be shaping others? Q5. What will you choose to do?