Guided Journaling questions for w/c 14th March

Published: 14/03/2022 07:00

According to the weather forecasters, it’s now Spring, a time of growth and development – a time also often associated with cleaning, tidying and clearing out.  For some of us there are things we’ve looked at many times and swithered over – we’re not quite ready to let that thing go, though we’re never going need it, use it or fix it.   

Q1.  What are you holding on to that no longer serves a useful purpose? 

Q2.  Some things you will keep, no matter what – and that’s fine.  Is there anything though that it is time to let go? 

Q3.  What growth or development might that allow? 

Q4.  And what would that mean for you? 

Q5.  What will your next steps be?