
Guided Journaling questions for w/c 26th September

Wisdom, Compassion, Justice and Integrity. These words, engraved around the head of the Scottish Parliament’s ceremonial mace, set the aspirations for modern Scotland. It is said that there was intended to be a fifth, Courage, but there was no room to inscribe it on the mace. Over the last while, where has your wisdom served you well and where could there be room for courage?

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 19th September

With one momentous news event after another, it can seem like there is a never-ending demand for our attention. In turn, this can lead to feelings of distraction. If you were to focus on what really mattered now, what would that be and what might that give you?

Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 12th September 2022

We have two ears and one mouth – how often do we use them in those proportions? What might you hear if you listened more and how might that affect the outcome?

Guided Journaling Questions w/c 5th September 2022

It can be easy to take things for granted, perhaps only realising our good fortune when realising what others lack or endure. For what elements of your life might you give gratitude today?