
We Care Newsletter - Spring 2023

We Care Newsletter - Spring 2023

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 27th March

Spring is on its way - flowers are coming through and lambs are appearing in the fields. What puts a spring in your step?

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 20th March 2023

Memories linger whilst time ticks on. What memories bring a smile to you today, and how might the joy of those memories shape your day?

RCN Foundation Hardship Grants

It can be hard to ask for help. Especially when you’re used to helping others. But everyone can feel overwhelmed, stressed and worried, especially about money. The RCN Foundation Benevolent Service is a fund that exists to help nurses, midwives and health care support workers make ends meet during times of financial hardship.

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 6th March

WeWe often hear about a work–life balance - as though it’s a see-saw. Perhaps another way of thinking about it is as an avocado - work being the stone in the middle and life wrapped around it. How comfortable are you with your relationship to work? If there was space for change, what might that mean for you and for others?