Spiritual Care / Chaplaincy



In accordance with the Spiritual Care Policy of NHS Grampian the Chaplaincy department has always offered staff support to NHS Grampian and its partners at any time. This support is especially available during the current Pandemic.

The support is confidential and independent of line management structures. Chaplains are skilled listeners who can assist you in reflecting on the circumstances you have found yourself in, change how you see things and help you with coping strategies.

Religion will not be spoken about, unless raised by you.

If you want to see a Chaplain in Office hours ,8.30am-4.30pm, Monday – Friday , at one of the main sites ( ARI, RACH , AMH , Woodend , Roxburgh House , RCH  and Dr Grays ) phone 53316 or 01224 553316

If you are not based in these sites you can  still phone 53316 or 01224 553316 and we will try to assist you by way of arranging a phone call , Microsoft Teams Call or other virtual means of support.

Out of hours get the switchboard to page the on-call Chaplain on 880349. The On call Chaplain can certainly take a phone call in the first instance and if necessary arrange for some other way to offer you support.

You may also avail of the Chaplaincy Listening Service. This is a slightly more structured form of support that requires an appointment to be made.  Although not all Chaplains are accredited CCL Listeners, all of them are skilled listeners.

For an appointment with the Community Chaplaincy Listening service phone either 53316 or 01224 553316 or Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village on 01224 655555.

As well as one to one support the Chaplaincy Department can assist with  group support by means of Values Based Reflective Practice , again 53316 or 01224 553316.

Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland

Work Place Chaplaincy aims to offer relevant pastoral & spiritual support to people where they are – in the setting of their daily work and individual lives. The chaplain is available to all of all denominations or none, from the managing director to the new-start apprentice.  Contact: Ron Flett, Mobile: 07508 654 423 ron.flett@wpcscotland.co.uk 

Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland

Published: 14/04/2021 16:28